with peeling on the skin of the nose, auricles, hands, feet. Gradually, the rash becomes more generalized. There are nail dystrophy, paronychia. Facial skin changes may be similar to buy adalat online of eczema or lupus erythematosus, while acral lesions (on the hands, feet) are more reminiscent of psoriasis. Histologically, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, focal spongiosis, and an inflammatory mixed infiltrate in the dermis are revealed. Diagnosis is based on clinical and histological data.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with seborrheic eczema, allergic dermatitis, Reiter's syndrome, psoriasis,lupus erythematosus. Erythema garland migratory Gammel is an obligate paraoncological dermatosis, the development of which is associated with an autoimmune mechanism of action of tumor tissues. Described by Gammel in 1952. It is observed more often several months (sometimes 2-4 years) before clinical signs of a malignant neoplasm of the internal organs.

Skin lesions are characterized by multiple spotty, sometimes somewhat swollen, rash, the first elements of which usually appear on the face, and then spread to the skin of the trunk, proximal limbs in the form of bizarre figures, rings, garlands, quickly moving across the skin (within several hours or days ). Fine-lamellar peeling, slight itching are possible. The palms and soles are not affected. Clinically and histologically, the disease resembles Darier's annular erythema.

Diagnosis is based on clinical data. A thorough oncological examination of the patient is necessary. Necrolytic erythema migrans is caused by the development of adalat pills, a tumor growing from the o-cells of the pancreatic islets. The tumor produces glucagon and is accompanied by very characteristic rashes. Etiology. Most cases of erythema migrans necrolitica are caused by an excess of glucagon in the blood, but its pathogenesis is unknown.

Inflammatory plaques with peripheral growth and epithelialization in the center. The plaques merge, arranged in the form of rings, arcs, which gives the lesions the appearance of a geographical map, along the edges of which bubbles, crusts and scales are formed. Rashes are located on the flexion surface of the limbs, in large folds, around natural openings. The tips of the fingers are red, shiny, with erosions. Research methods. An increase in fasting plasma glucagon levels of more than 1000 ng / l.

Paget's disease of the breast is intraductal breast cancer. May be limited to lesions of the epidermis of the mammary gland or combined with carcinoma of the mammary gland, while the epidermis is affected secondarily. Age, gender. It occurs mainly in women 50-60 years old. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, the course of nifedipine pills, the results of histological examination.

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Extramammary Paget's disease is a malignant tumor affecting the perianal region, vulva, and armpits. It occurs both in women (more often) and in men of middle and old age. The clinical picture is characterized by red spots or plaques with uneven outlines, macerated surface, cortical layers, itching. Often tends to buy nifedipine online growth and transformation into squamous cell carcinoma. Often associated with malignant neoplasms of internal organs. Histologically, it does not differ from the mammary localization of Paget's disease, but the extent of the pathological process significantly exceeds the visible size of the lesion, which leads to frequent relapses after treatment.

Bowen's disease is an intraepidermal skin cancer that necessarily transforms into squamous cell carcinoma. Age, gender. It often develops in older people (70-80 years old) of both sexes. Etiology and pathogenesis. The development of the disease is due to the action of UV radiation, prolonged trauma to the skin, and when the process is localized in closed areas of the skin, contact with arsenic salts (drugs, industrial production, etc.). The focus is more often located on the trunk, upper limbs, in the perineum, sometimes on the oral mucosa.

The process is represented by a solitary dense plaque of irregular or rounded shape, covered with white or yellowish scales, whichthey are easily removed with the formation of erosions and weeping, but without signs of bleeding. Erosions can be covered with serous and hemorrhagic crusts. The size of the focus is from 2 mm to the palm of the child. Important features of adalat disease include uneven growth of the focus along the periphery, its variegation due to areas of atrophy, erosion, hyperkeratosis, warty growths, elevation of the marginal zone.

Skin metastases are found in 0.7-9% of all patients with malignant tumors.

Current and forecast. The course is slow, steadily progressing. Squamous cell carcinoma can develop even in the early stages of the disease. Relapses occur as a result of inadequate treatment. The diagnosis is established on the basis of the clinical picture and the results of histological examination.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with eczema, psoriasis, warty skin tuberculosis, squamous and metatypical cancer, solar keratosis, senile keratoma, basalioma, bowenoid papulosis.

Exfoliative subacute generalized dermatitis is a specific erythroderma, which is a manifestation of T-cell lymphoma of the skin. Immunity disorders contribute to the development of the disease.

Most often, erythroderma is preceded by the appearance of lesions resembling eczema or neurodermatitis. The formed clinical picture is characterized by generalized erythema, covering the entire skin, swelling of the skin, abundant large-lamellar peeling, as well as palmar-plantar keratosis, hair and nail loss, itching, chills, and enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes.

Anyone, but more often the elderly.

Metastases of malignant tumors are single or multiple nodes localized in the skin or subcutaneous tissue. According to the mechanism of nifedipine, hematogenous, lymphogenous and implantation metastases are distinguished.